
Showing posts from October, 2018

Why are my teeth getting discoloured?

Age-related yellowing, certain foods and beverages, or tetr acycline use at an early age. In some cases, better oral hygiene or whitening can restore some of the natural brightness to teeth. But in other cases, especially deep discoloration . within a tooth, external whitening won’t help Veneers with lifelike  color that match your other teeth could be a way to permanently brighten your smile. Although resilient, teeth can be damaged. A significant mouth injury can result in chipping and tooth grinding habits could cause abnormal wear that makes the teeth appear shorter. And, you may have been born with one or more teeth that are oddly shaped too rounded or square that can affect your smile. Customized veneers can bring a more attractive shape to your teeth. A normal tooth  size should be proportional to the lips and the amount of gums showing. Shorter teeth can upset this proportion. Veneers can lengthen your teeth to a more appealing size. But there’s a limit if you’v