
Showing posts from November, 2016

Basic Procedure of a Tooth Extraction

Basic Procedure of a Tooth Extraction Extraction may be the final step required to prevent a cracked or decayed tooth from causing further damage. Or, in the case of crowding or an impacted wisdom tooth, it may be needed to prevent trouble from occurring later. In most cases, however, it's a routine procedure that's nothing to fear when done by an experienced hand. Here's how it usually works: First, a radio graphic X/Ray examination allows your dentist to see the tooth's exact position and anticipate any possible complications. Your medical and drug history is also evaluated, so your dentist can assess your general health and establish your options for anesthesia. Simpler tooth extractions may be performed under local anesthesia such as a numbing shot, with or without additional   sedation   like nitro-us oxide or oral medication. More complex or multiple extractions may require conscious sedation that's administered intravenously into the bloodstream.

Dentist in Tijuana /Advanced Smiles Dentistry

Dentist in Tijuana/Our Patient talks about Advanced Smiles Dentistry! (619) 488-1557

What you should know about Dental Implants!

    What you should know about Dental Implants! If you have broken or severely damaged a tooth and need an implant, do you know your options? Chances are you don’t, in this article you will learn the basics about implant dentistry and the fact that as surgical techniques and technology have improved, so have your tooth replacement options. And once your implant is in place, you will be well on your way to good oral health as your new implant is not susceptible to decay or periodontal disease in the same way as a natural tooth! You may have heard the term dental implant, but do you really know what it is? Teeth essentially can be thought of having two main parts: the crown, the part of the tooth that can be seen above the gum tissues, and the root, the part that is suspended in the bone by periodontal ligament that keeps the tooth in place. A dental implant is a tooth replacement system in which an extracted tooth and its root are replaced with a new metal root that is typical

Dentist in Tijuana/ The main reasons that may cause you tooth pain.

The main reasons that may cause you tooth pain. Certain oral bacteria feed on food particles trapped in your mouth and produce acid that over time can eat through the protective tooth enamel into the sensitive dentin below. And maybe cause a root canal. Acids in your diet and gastric acids from acid reflux and vomiting can wear away tooth enamel. Gums can recede over time, exposing the sensitive tooth roots.   Brushing too vigorously and/or using a toothbrush that’s too hard can contribute to gum recession. Dental work can inflame pulp tissues and cause temporary sensitivity that should subside as the pulp heals.   Fillings seal off areas of past decay. If they don’t fit right or are dislodged, air, food particles and bacteria can infiltrate and irritate exposed nerve endings. Teeth may be weakened over time due to pressure caused by biting and chewing as well as teeth grinding and jaw clenching.   What starts as thin lines in the enamel can evolve into ch