
Showing posts from April, 2016

Advanced Smiles Dentistry Family Testimonial.

Thank you so much for the kind works Family. For more information call us now for your free consultation. (619) 488-1557

What is a Root Canal? at advanced Smiles Dentistry Your Tijuana Dentist

What is a Root Canal? at advanced Smiles Dentistry Your Tijuana Dentist For those who don’t know what a root canal is, it is the space within the root of a tooth which consists of the pulp chamber, the main canal(s), and other smaller canals. This area houses soft tissues such as the nerve, blood vessels, and living connective tissue. The sensory nerves carry signals to the brain and are the reason why you would feel hot/cold/pain sensations in your tooth, while the blood vessels provide nutrition to your pulp. These tissues are what makes your tooth “alive”.A root canal treatment (also referred to as a “root canal”) is the complete removal of the pulp tissue in your root canal and disinfection of the area. It is required when your pulp tissue becomes infected or inflamed; doing so controls the infection since all the pulp, including the disinfected tissues, would be removed.Because a root canal is a specialized dental procedure and can be quite expensive ( is an estimated

Your Best Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry

If you've ever thought about how great it would be to have a really bright, healthy-looking smile. then maybe now's the time to find out what modern cosmetic dentistry has to offer!  You might be surprised at how much can be done to change your smile's appearance.  and how good it can make you feel about yourself the brand new you! Today there are more ways than ever to get the smile you want.  For example, if you'd simply like your teeth to be brighter,  you might choose take-home or in-office professional teeth whitening   or you may opt for porcelain veneers If you have chipped teeth,  you may be able to fix them via dental bonding,  or you might want to consider a crown or another type of restoration. Like crowns,veneers,dental bridges and dental implants. To make more extensive

Sinus Lift & Bone Grafting in Tijuana

If you have had missing teeth for some time, perhaps wearing unsecured dentures for a few years.  the chances are you will have suffered some bone resorption.  When teeth are lost, over time the jawbone beneath them will start to shrink back.  This can lead to a sunken, prematurely aged appearance in the face, and can be an obstacle for patients who are considering dental implants. The good news is that even if you have suffered bone loss, you may well still be able to have dental implants.  Even if your dentist has told you that you’re not suitable for implant treatment  because of low bone density. At Advanced Smiles Dentistry We Specialized in Cosmetic Dentistry. Bone grafts are used on the lower jaw, whereas sinus lifts are used For patients requiring implants at the back of the upper jaw.

Do I Need PRP/PRF/PDGF/BMP for Dental Implants and Bone grafts?

PRF PROCEDURE RECOMMENDED BY OUR CLINIC IN TIJUANA. Do I Need PRP/PRF/PDGF/BMP for Dental Implants and Bone grafts? In our dental office in Tijuana Advanced Smiles Dentistry, we can answer this question! PRF is used to concentrate growth factors, stem cells and molecular enhancers made from your own blood to be used in dental implant and bone grafting procedures. PRP, PRF, PDGF,  and others, are all abbreviations for wonderful enhancers of dental implant bone grafts. I make it from simply drawing a few test tubes of your own blood from your arm and concentrating your natural growth factors made from your own immune system, this procedure  helps to reduce pain and make your bone and gums heal faster and stronger with less complications. PRP/PRF is also helpful in reducing infections and helping blood to clot in a bone graft and makes the bone graft material handling hold together. It is extremely beneficial and safe because it is made from your own blood. It has been very well